Questions? 044-24567571

General Information

  • General Information
    The school prepares students forX, XI & XII Board Examination.The progress of the pupil is assessed through Mid-Term and Terminal Examinations. The Final Examination alone is not the deciding factor for Promotion. At the end of every examination (except the Annual Examination)the Progress Report is distributed to the Students on the Open Day for the careful perusal and appropriate action of the Parents.
    Pupils who absent for any of the Examination without valid reason and without prior permission will not be considered for promotion to the next class. Students shall appear for all Examinations in the Blue and White Uniform.
    Private Coaching:
    Private coaching is not encouraged. Special classes are conducted for the late bloomers in Stds. X, XI & XII. Special coaching is given for Spoken English by experts.
    Leave, Absence and Attendance:
    Leave is to be taken only with the prior permission of the Principal through a duly authorized letter from the Parent or Guardian. All Leave Letters should be addressed to the Principal.
    Incase of any Leave exceeding two days successively, Parent/Guardian should meet the Principal in person. Any unauthorized absence from classes, particularly in the afternoon, is not permitted. The name of the student who absents himself/herself without prior permission of the Principal will be removed from the Rolls. Applying Leave for mere social and religious functions is not encouraged.
    95% of Attendance is compulsory for all students from L.K.G. to Std.XII. Medical certificate should be produced if the ward fall sick and leave exceeds three days.
    Smart Class which enhances the grasping power of the students has been introduced since2017. The visual learning process is well suited to the young minds, and strengthens the child's inquisitive nature.
    Keeping the health of students in mind, pure R.O. water is provided to all students.
    Student Activities:
    Co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities are an integral part of Montfortian Education.Various club activities are organized to discover and develop the talents of the students.
    Associations &Clubs;Sports
    English Literary Associationa.Athletics
    Maths Clubc.Tennikoit
    Science Clubd.Volleyball
    Social Science Clube.Throwball
    NSSf. Cricket
    Arts & Crafts Clubh.Karate
    Cultural Clubi.Yoga
    Environmental Clubj.Carrom
    Bulbul flock & Cub pack
    AllAssociations&Clubs; meet onThursdays between 2.40 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.
    In order to cultivate healthy competition and team spirit, the students and staff members are grouped into Montfort, Thomas and Gabriel Houses with Green, Red and Blue as the irrespective House Colour. House Masters/Mistresses guide and stream line the activities of the House along with the House Captains and their deputies. Inter-house competitions are held in various disciplines and Prizes are awarded.
    Students are admitted with the understanding that they will remain in the school at least for the entire academic year. However, parents desirous of withdrawing their child before the end of the academic year may do so, by giving are quisition in writing.If a child is withdrawn in between the terms, fee for the whole year has to be paid.
    Fee Rules:
    1. The fees must be remitted in the bank.
    2. Parents are requested to pay the fees inadvance to avoid the last minute rush.
    3. If the fees is remitted after the due date, fine will be collected for delay.
    4. Students are not to be entrusted with the payment of fees.
    5. The students' name would be struck off the roller if there is a delay of two months in the payment of fees.
    6. There is no deduction of fees for vacations or broken periods.
    7. Students will not be permitted to sit for terminal or final examinations unless the fees have been paid.
    8. Fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • Rules and Regulations for Students

    Violation of disciplinary rules will result in dismissal.Excuses,explanations and apologies will not be considered or accepted when the student fails to observe the rules and regulations.

    1. Students shall attend classes regularly and punctually.
    2. Students are expected to keep the classrooms and the school premises clean, and thus promote a clean environment.
    3. Students should at all times show respect and deference to the School Authorities and Members of the Staff.
    4. Students should wear their Identity Cards to school everyday.
    5. Students are expected to bring their diary to school everyday.
    6. Students have to bring their own writing materials to school. Borrowing them from others (especiallyin the exam hall)is forbidden.
    7. Resorting to unfair means in the examination and tests is a grave offence, and will result in detention and expulsion.
    8. Any student failing twice in the same class will not be allowed to continue in the school.
    9. Students are expected to use English as their spoken language within the schoolcampus.
    10. Care must be taken for school property. Damage done to buildings, furniture, library books, science laboratory, sports goods etc.,must be paid for.
    11. Students should be responsible for the safety of their belongings.They are advised not to wear gold ornaments or bring any costly articles or electronic gadgets(cell phone,ipod etc.)
    12. Every student is expected to keep up the high tone of the school at all times and in all places,excelling in conduct, good manners and cleanliness.

    School Library
    Library provide sample opportunities for the students to cultivate the habit of reading. Our school library holds a wide range of books catering to the needs of children of different age groups.Separate library periods are allotted to every class.


    1. The library will be open from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all school days.
    2. Every student of the school is a member of the library.
    3. Books can be borrowed for a period of 1 week.
    4. The students are expected to handle the books carefully.
    5. Delayed return of books will not be permitted.
    6. Loss or damage caused to library books should be borne by the readers.
  • Recommendation to Parents / Guardians
    • Parents/Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline in the children and by taking sincere interest in their wards' progress.
    • Parents/Guardians are expected to get acquainted with all the rules and regulations of the school, and help their wards to observe them strictly.
    • The presence of the Parents/ Guardiansat the Parent-Teacher' Meetings is compulsory.
    • Parents/Guardians are advised to avoid entering the classrooms during the working hours,to meet their wards or the teachers without the permission of the Principal.
    • Parents/Guardians would be informed the homework of their wards through SMS everyday.They are expected to ensure that the homework is done before the wards are sent to school the next day.
    • School fee and term fee are to be remitted on the days prescribed without delay.
    • Parents/Guardians are requested to meet the Principal and Correspondent only between 9.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m.
    • Learning to eat by onself is also an important part of education. Hence, parents are earnestly requested to avoid the habit of bringing lunch and feeding the children during the lunch hour.
    • Parents/Guardians are requested not to entertain anycharacter assassination of the teachers in the presence of their wards. If they have any complaints, they may kindly bring it to the notice of the Principal and Correspondent.
    • Parents/Guardians are requested to go through the pages of their wards' handbook periodically. It is a means of communication between the parents/guardians and the school authorities.
    • Parents/Guardians should ensure that their wards have their breakfast before they attend school.
    • If parents require to take their wards during the school hours for any reason,they must bring to the notice of the school office as well as the class teacher. Their wards will be sent only if the Principal approves it.
    • Parents/Guardiansarerequestednotto sendtheirwardsiftheyare sickforthegoodoftheirwardsaswellastheirclassmates.
    • If any one is found to be sick, the parents will be called and the ward will be sent home.
    • Parents/Guardians have to take the photocopy of the model Leave Application enclosed in the Handbook and fill up when your wards apply for leave.
    • Parents/Guardians are requested to fill in the medical treatment of their wards in the specified column in the Identity Certificate and the Congenital Defect Record page, if applicable.
    • Change of address of Parents/Guardians should be notified to the Principal without delay.
    • TC and Conduct Certificate will not be issued unless all fee is paid in full.
    • No teacher can substitute the Parents. No school can be an alternative for the Home. Parents play a vital role in the education of a child.

    Parents are requested to give their full co-operation to the management and staff of the school in maintaining discipline and decorum and help us to help your children grow as responsible and disciplined students.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 044-24567571

disawar satta king